High Anxiety

Try to get to the bottom of your anxieties and what triggers them. You may feel a little jumpy these days and a seemingly unimportant event puts you into an anxious and tense mood. This is normal on occasion but if you find yourself slipping into this frame of mind often, you need to really look into yourself. Once you identify what it is that causes this, you will be able to get a hold of yourself.

We human beings are very vulnerable and most of the time we travel through life without a thought. Once in a while, events occur that cause us to see that we are just grains of sand. We are not very big or powerful in the scope of things. We want to feel safe and secure in the world but it takes some faith and belief in higher influences. We want to have control over our destiny and although there may not be a lot we can do, we can do something. Character is destiny.

People are what they are brought up to be. But it is also, “nature and nurture”. We can help ourselves and we can help others. We can set a good example. We all have our own ideas of how the world should be. There is no single answer. Your path in life is different than others and therefore you must answer to your own concept of higher influences. You must follow your own ethics.

We don’t always know if we are going down the right road, we have our instincts and they are not always right. We have to have the courage to follow them since they are all that we have.

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