Thank You For Not Smoking

Some days you just want to come out with guns blazing…but then, maybe a little diplomacy could be more effective. The key is not to let these feelings of rage get bottled up so that they come out unexpectedly at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Many of us just don’t see these feelings coming. We act like it is a big surprise. This is where you need to be in touch with your feelings. This way you can avoid a complete melt down and not risk doing some real damage.

On a more promising note, we are experiencing many stressful aspects in the sky and given this combination of planetary aspects, you are probably faring better than you think. A most complex set of circumstances have been put before you. You must look at them individually and collectively and proceed with caution. Remember that everything starts with just one step. So take one step at a time and eventually you will arrive.

The squares and oppositions that are taking place in the sky are in Cardinal signs. You have no way out. You must respond and in a timely manner. You are basically in a box. There is nothing with an entrance that doesn’t also have an exit. You must discover a way out of this maze. The more creative and constructive a solution that you come up with, the more satisfying this life experience will be.

Activity is a positive response. Doing is better than thinking at this time.

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