The voice of the people is the voice of God. This voice is being heard louder and louder across the world. People are waking up to the changing economic events. Although this seems like a cacophony of sentiments, it does seem to be taking us somewhere outside our little worlds. You just can’t help but notice the suffering of humans and animals alike. Man is supposed to be the protector of the animals, of nature and of the earth. The consensus is that we haven’t been doing a very good job of it. This neglect will exact a high price in the years to come.
People are supposed to be superior in that they have a rational mind but it seems that this rationality has just gotten us further and further into trouble. Perhaps we have to look to higher influences to solve the problems that affect mankind. As it turns out, we are not so smart. We are an enemy to ourselves. Objectivity got a lot of people into a lot of trouble. Suffering will continue until we start to see that our real role is evolution and that evolution should include a humane and peaceful approach to all living things.
Character is destiny. We will enjoy the beauty of life if we respect the nature of all people and things. But we must take responsibility for our own actions and do what we believe to be the right thing. It is necessary to set a good example. The other thing needed would be to give up our resentments. This is our life, our choice and we must pay the price for those choices. We pay for what we want and we pay for what we don’t want.