For every advantage is a disadvantage. Now is the time to choose. You simply can’t have it both ways. People always get into trouble by trying to have it both ways. You pay for what you want and you pay for what you don’t want. Literally, you have come to the fork in the road.
While you are busy making up your mind, make sure that you are seeing the whole picture. It’s easy to focus on a few details while distorting the full view. Maybe you would rather delude yourself but now is not the time. You have a chance to take two giant steps forward. Decide.
Situations intensify for the next two weeks. After that you will experience a complete resolution to this tension. It will all disappear as if nothing happened at all. You know something did happen however and this will lead you to a new way of looking at things. You will be able to see all sides of the situation.
Greater reserve is required. You don’t want to blurt out your feelings is a disorganized way. If you have an axe to grind, think it through and present in an orderly and thoughtful way. You may actually get your point across by using the unemotional and thoughtful approach.
Expect the unexpected. Suddenly things start to move. Be ready when opportunity knocks.